This is an excellent movie. I like the villains in this one,though the ocean dubbed version is way more awesome. I mean the part with the eternal dragon coming up from the bottom of the ice mountains was so theatrical. His voice was ssoooo awesome. I liked the fights Goku had with the three bio fighters,the 1st one with Misokatsun was really awesome. The final battle was even cooler with Goku vs. Dr.Willow. This is the 1st dbz movie to have Goku with the kaiokan attack,spirit bomb,and king kai's symbol on the back of his gi. The music for Piccolo was awesome and so was the little japanese tune pumped when Goku uses kaiokan on Misokatsun. This was an awesome movie experience and it would've been even way more awesome to see it in theaters. I mean the 1st 3 movies dubbed by the ocean team would've made tons of money,lots more then the 5 pokemon movies in theaters.
It's worth buying. Get the uncut theatrical version though.It feels more like a movie then an ordinary episode of dragonball z,which that's what movies 7,10,and 11 feel like.